The Story of I'm Not Just a Girl

The Story of I'm Not Just a Girl

I’m Not Just A Girl…

I’m not…what can I say…and I bet neither are you if you are reading this. We have a passion and we love to express it!

Sometimes I think of it on the more extreme level. I’m Not Just A Girl…I can do what the boys can do too. I Drive, I Ride, I Surf, I Ski, I Fly…

And then there is the more sensitive side. Everyday we are faced with challenges in our life and the biggest accomplishments deserve the biggest celebrations. So tell everyone that I’m Not Just A Girl…I’m a Survivor, I’m a Mom, I’m a Grandma, I’m a Racers Wife…

Because I’m Not Just A Girl…I want everyone to succeed and have gathered a group of products together that satisfy a range of people. Everyone has different tastes. Everyone is a different size. Everyone has a style. Everyone wants something a little different than their neighbor. We want you to have options and have plenty of choices at every click.

We pride ourselves on being comfortable. Comfortable to wear. Comfortable to talk to. Comfortable to talk about. With sizes up to 4X in ladies and 6X in mens everyone is welcome into our world!

~ Charlene 



So How did I’m Not Just A Girl get it’s name?

The story…well, it gets a little complicated. But if you are still reading then you must really be interested… I was at one of my favorite races, the King of the Hammers in February with my media firm which takes pictures and video and having a great time. While I was there, racers and supporters were interested in running my media firm stickers and wearing shirts to represent. Well, with many reasons why, I don’t want to brand that company in that manner. So I knew I had to figure something out that I could.

I was also faced with the challenges of the economy, but in a different way than you may think. The economy was there for the services, but the increasing travel budget made it unreasonable for me to stay on the road to pursue properly. And so I left 10 days in the desert with no answers, but yet another hurdle to overcome.

Three days later I jumped onto a plane to go to Indianapolis for the Powersports Dealer Expo. At my layover in Denver, I did what every girl would do and wandered into the jewelry store to see what they had on display. Got it!! I will make and sell jewelry!

As I left Denver and headed to Indy, my laptop died about half way through the flight. Me in a plane with nothing to do is like trying to contain a cat with a catnip toy. So my brain did summersaults over the different opportunities, the failure points and the positive points of my idea. I got off the plane still feeling confident.

It was a cold week, but not as bad as I had experienced in Indy before. Chatting with some of my friends that have a girl shirt line, I offered the idea of selling their brand on my online store that would feature the jewlery. With little hesitation, I had my first brand. As I walked away I remember saying, “Don’t be mad if I come up with my own line…it’s just in my personality.” But what was the line? That was still the question.

Working in the Powersports Industry since 1994, I have gained many friendships over the years, and I had been able to rekindle some at this show. As I wandered towards a back corner I got to a row where I saw new products to me that I wanted to know about.

Not by any means disrespectful, the gentleman that I was talking to started the discussion at the lowest step of explanation. I could have started about 5 steps up. But how do you tell someone that? How do you tell them that just because I am a girl doesn’t mean that I don’t know what I am looking at. I specifically remember contemplating in my mind how I would try and explain my experience to him in one to two sentences, of course as he rambled on about what I already knew about. When I opened my mouth it rolled off my tongue….”Im Not Just A Girl…I have” … and I stopped. I’m sure I had a smile on my face as I dug into my jeans for a pen and paper to write it down before it escaped me.

The flight back to California was long again, but I used it to again contemplate every angle. I started to tell my story to my mentors to see their reactions to the success of a Clothing , Jewelry and accessories line. I never told anyone the name, only 18 people knew the actual brand name before it launched. But I continued to define and redefine my concept.

With some tweaking, a few late nights and a lot of support I’m Not Just A Girl came to life within a few short weeks and has been amazingly successful. I give most all the credit to my base of friends that is so extremely supportive of me and my dreams. Thank you for jumping on the cloud…its going to be a great ride!

Thank you for listening to my story…and Thank you for being Not Just A Girl!

Be sure to keep up with our Blog Posts. Where we talk about Girls Like You who have a story behind the shirt they ordered. Heck, We ALL Have a Story…so Send Us YOUR Story! Submit to



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